Title of the Model: Smart 7 Team Name: K Venkataramaih Total Number of Students in Team: 11 Supervising Teacher Name: Deepa, Kalpana, Prabha Keynote from the Headmistress The Team SMV has demonstrated the Smart 7 – a epicenter junction i.e., Townhall Circle in Tumakuru. The Model speaks about the buildings and the technology projects impleeted by Tumakuru Smart City in and around the Townhall Junction. Key projects include Empress Building , City Library, Trauma Care center etc. The Team SMV Neeraj C, Dhanusha AN, Khushi Sharma SP, Dharani M, Bhavana K, Kruthika N, Shravya S, Pavithra DS, Kanishka V, Shreyas, Mithn M Keywords: City Library, Trauma Care Center, Empress Bilding, Smart Bench, Smart Pole, Comma...
Title of the Model: Green City Team Name: Dr. Shri Shri Shri Shivkumara Swamiji Total Number of Students in Team: 10 Supervising Teacher Name: Deepa, Kalpana, Prabha Keynote from the Headmistress The Team Dr. Shri Shri Shri Shivkumara Swamiji has demonstrated the Green City – a Environment and Public Centric projects implemented by Tumakuru Smart City. The Model speaks abou...